
Namespace: PP.Ui;

Inheritance hierarchy




The DGDataSource class is used to work with table data source.


PP.initClass(PP.Ui.DGDataSource, PP.Object, "DGDataSource", [PP.Ui.IDGDataSource]);


  Constructor name Brief description
DGDataSource The DGDataSource constructor creates an instance of the DGDataSource class.


  Property name Brief description
AdditionalParams The AdditionalParams property determines additional parameters to be added to request for getting table data in asynchronous mode.
Body The Body property determines parameters to be added to request for getting table data in asynchronous mode.
Data The Data property determines table data.
DefaultRowHeight The DefaultRowHeight property determines default row height.
IsAsync The IsAsync method determines whether data source is asynchronous.
Measures The Measures property determines table data source measures.
RowCount The RowCount property determines table row height.
Type The Type property determines type of AJAX query for loading data to table.
Url The Url property determines URL of AJAX query for loading data to table.


  Method name Brief description
loadMeasures The loadMeasures method loads measures to table.
loadRanges The loadRanges method is used to load table data series ranges.
saveChanges The saveChanges method saves changes in data source.


   Event name Brief description
DataCleared The DataCleared event occurs after clearing table data.
MeasuresLoaded The MeasuresLoaded event occurs after loading measures to table.
MeasuresLoading The MeasuresLoading event occurs on loading measures to table.
RangesLoaded The RangesLoaded event occurs after loading table data series ranges.
RangesLoading The RangesLoading event occurs on loading data ranges to table.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

See also: