Class name |
Brief description |
AnimationSettings |
The AnimationSettings class determines animation settings for visual component. |
AppConfig |
The AppConfig class is a static class that contains settings of Foresight Analytics Platform web application. |
BlurEffect |
The BlurEffect class implements the blur effect. |
Border |
The Border class is a base class of border. |
BorderEffect |
The BorderEffect class implements the border highlight effect. |
Brush |
The Brush class is a base class of brush. |
BrushEffect |
The BrushEffect class implements the fill effect. |
Color |
The Color class is used to work with color parameters. |
CoordinateTransformer |
The CoordinateTransformer class is used for linear data transformation. |
CultureInfo |
The CultureInfo class determines language and regional parameters. |
DataMapping |
The DataMapping class contains settings of source data mapping with visualizer elements. |
DataSource |
The DataSource class is a base class to be used to work with visual components data source. |
EventArgs |
The EventArgs class determines object that contains events arguments. |
Font |
The Font class is used to work with font parameters. |
GradientBrush |
Basic brush class with the gradient fill. |
GradientStop |
The GradientStop class describes the color and location of the transition point in the gradient. |
HtmlXamlConverter |
The HtmlXamlConverter class is designed to convert HTML format to XAML and vice versa. |
IEffect |
Basic class for map web application. |
ImageBrush |
The ImageBrush class implements a picture brush. |
ImageList |
The ImageList class implements the ImageList, non-visual component, which contains a link to the sprite (or a set of images in one file) and image size in the sprite. |
LinearGradientBrush |
The LinearGradientBrush class implements the brush with linear gradient fill. |
List |
The List class implements basic properties and methods for working with collections. |
NativeDelegate |
The NativeDelegate class is used to create an event handler. |
Object |
The Object class is the basic class for all classes of the PP namespace. All classes in the PP namespace are the inheritors of the Object class. |
Pen |
The Pen class is used to work with page parameters. |
Point |
The Point class implements the point of two-dimensional space. |
Projection |
The Projection class is used to work with 3D projection. |
RadialGradientBrush |
The RadialGradientBrush class implements the brush of the radial gradient. |
Rect |
The Rect class implements a rectangle of two-dimensional space. |
ResourceManager |
The ResourceManager class is the resources manager. |
ScaleBase |
The ScaleBase class is a base implementation of color and numeric scale. |
ScaleEffect |
The ScaleEffect class implements the zoom in effect. |
ScriptManager |
The ScriptManager static class is used to load script files and CSS style files. |
ScrollEventArgs |
The ScrollEventArgs class is a class of event arguments of slider move on a scrollbar effects. |
Shadow |
The Shadow class implements base class of the shadow. |
SolidColorBrush |
The SolidColorBrush class implements the brush with the solid fill. |
SpinEventArgs |
The SpinEventArgs class implements arguments of the events of the SpinEdit. |
Style |
The Style class implements component style. |
Thickness |
The Thickness class describes objects thickness. |
TimeAxis |
The TimeAxis class implements a time axis of data source component. |
TreeModel |
The TreeModel class implements data model in hierarchical charts. |
Visual |
The Visual class is used for visualizer data mapping with visualizer dimensions. |
Method name |
Brief description |
addClass |
The addClass method adds CSS class to a specified DOM tree element. |
ArgumentException |
The ArgumentException method is the exception thrown when one of the parameters passed to the function is invalid. |
ArgumentNullException |
The ArgumentNullException method is the exception thrown when one of the parameters passed to the function is null. |
arrInsertBefore |
The arrInsertBefore method inserts an element into array before the selected element. |
calculateMouseCoords |
The calculateMouseCoords method calculates current coordinates of the mouse cursor. |
calculateMouseX |
The calculateMouseX method calculates abscissa of the current mouse cursor position. |
calculateMouseY |
The calculateMouseY method calculates ordinate of the current mouse cursor position. |
calculateOffset |
The calculateOffset method calculates coordinates of DOM node in the document. |
callEach |
The callEach method executes specified function for each object in collection. |
checkInterface |
The checkInterface method throws an error if the specified class does not implement selected interfaces. |
clearTimeout |
The clearTimeout method deletes timer by its ID. |
compareArr |
The compareArr method compares two arrays. |
create |
The create method creates a PP object with specified settings. |
createElement |
The createElement method creates a DOM element with specified tag. |
Date.add |
The add method adds a time interval to to date. |
Date.clone |
The clone method creates a date copy. |
Date.format |
The format method returns formatted date. |
Date.getDayOfYear |
The getDayOfYear method returns day number in a year. |
Date.getDaysInMonth |
The getDaysInMonth method returns the number of days in a specified date month. |
Date.getFirstDateOfMonth |
The getFirstDateOfMonth method returns month first day date. |
Date.getGMTOffset |
The getGMTOffset method returns offset from Greenwich meantime. |
Date.getLastDateOfMonth |
The getLastDateOfMonth method returns last month day date. |
Date.getWeekOfYear |
The getWeekOfYear method returns week number of the specified date. |
Date.isLeapYear |
The isLeapYear method returns whether the year is a leap year. |
Date.parse |
The parse method returns date from the specified string by the specified formatting template. |
delFrom |
The delFrom method removes array of specified properties from object. |
each |
The each method iterates through a specified array of items executing the function at each iteration. |
ellipseTranslate |
The ellipseTranslate method calculates coordinates of a point on ellipsis. |
endsWith |
The endsWith method determines whether the string ends with the specified substring. |
ensureObject |
The ensureObject method converts a specified JSON object to object with specified type. |
ensureObjectArray |
The ensureObjectArray method converts a specified array of JSON object to array of objects with specified type. |
escapeHTML |
The escapeHTML method escapes characters of HTML markup in specified string. |
Exception |
The Exception method is the exception thrown if some values are invalid. |
extend |
The extend method extends specified object with members of another object. |
fixEvent |
The fixEvent method ensures cross browser performance for specified event. |
fixPosition |
The fixPosition method changes size and rotation angle for specified rectangle. |
g2r |
The g2r method converts degrees to radians. |
getAllInterfaceMembers |
The getAllInterfaceMembers method returns the array of interface members. |
getCaptureNode |
The getCaptureNode method returns a saved value. |
getCurrentCulture |
The getCurrentCulture method returns the current language and regional settings. |
getEnumInterfMembers |
The getEnumInterfMembers method returns all members of an interface or enumeration. |
getFirstMember |
The getFirstMember method determines name of the first object member. |
getFirstValue |
The getFirstValue method determines value for the first object member. |
getItemsByPropValue |
The getItemsByPropValue method returns an array of all source array elements, which contain the property with the specified name and value. |
getAllInterfaceMembers |
The getAllInterfaceMembers method returns the array of interface members. |
getProperty |
The getProperty method determines value of a nested property of JSON object. |
getRandomString |
The getRandomString method returns string with specified length consisting of arbitrary Latin characters. |
getSizeOf |
The getSizeOf method determines DOM node size. |
getStyle |
The getStyle method determines property value for style of specified DOM element. |
hasClass |
The hasClass method indicates if specified markup element contains specified CSS class. |
hide |
The hide method hides a specified DOM element. |
htmlToDOM |
The htmlToDOM method converts HTML markup to a DOM node. |
initClass |
The initClass method initializes a class. |
initEnum |
The initEnum method initializes enumeration. |
initInterface |
The initInterface method initializes an interface. |
initNamespace |
The initNamespace method initializes a namespace. |
initOS |
The initOS method adds CSS class corresponding to client OS to specified node. |
insertToArr |
The insertToArr method inserts an element into array before a specified element. |
InterfaceNotImpException |
The InterfaceNotImpException method returns a formatted message about the exception InterfaceNotImpException. |
insertToArr |
The intersectArr method determines intersecting elements for two arrays. |
isBaseClass |
The isBaseClass method determines whether the class inherits from at least one of the specified parent classes. |
isBaseMemberOf |
The isBaseMemberOf method returns whether the specified member is determined in one of the specified class's parents. |
isBoolean |
The isBoolean method checks if type of specified value is Boolean. |
isDate |
The isDate method checks if the specified value is a date. |
isDefined |
The isDefined method determines whether specified value is defined. |
isDownOn |
The isDownOn method checks if the mouse cursor was over the element when the event was fired. |
isFunction |
The isFunction method checks if the specified value is a function. |
isInterfaceOf |
The isInterfaceOf method checks if the given class implements specified interfaces. |
isMemberOf |
The isMemberOf method checks if element is a member of the specified enumeration. |
isNumber |
The isNumber method checks if specified value is a number. |
isObject |
The isObject method checks if the specified value is an object. |
isPPInstance |
The isPPInstance method checks if the object is a class instance initialized with the PP.initClass method. |
isPrimitive |
The isPrimitive method checks if the specified element has primitive type. |
isResourceGroupLoaded |
The isResourceGroupLoaded method checks if the object containing regional settings for the specified language is loaded. |
isString |
The isString method checks if the specified value is a string. |
IsTrueString |
The IsTrueString method checks if the specified string contains only Boolean True or the value 1. |
isVisible |
The isVisible method checks if the specified element is visible. |
map |
The map method determines the array, each element of which is a result of executing a specified function for corresponding element in the source array. |
normalizeSize |
The normalizeSize method normalizes the size by specified basis. |
NotImplementedException |
The NotImplementedException method is the exception thrown if the class method is not implemented. |
NotSupportedException |
The NotSupportedException method is the exception thrown if the method is not supported under some conditions. |
numberSortAsc |
The numberSortAsc method represents function for ascending sorting. |
OutOfRangeException |
The OutOfRangeException method is the exception thrown if the specified argument lies outside valid values range. |
override |
The override method overwrites one element with another. |
overrideObject |
The overrideObject method rewrites value of specified property of an object with value of the same property of another object. |
polarTranslate |
The polarTranslate method translates a point in Cartesian coordinate system to polar system with the center in the initial point. |
querySelector |
The querySelector method determines the first DOM node in wrapper of the elements selected by CSS selector. |
querySelectorAll |
The querySelectorAll method returns all DOM nodes selected from the tree by CSS selector. |
reallyOut |
The reallyOut method determines whether the mouse cursor has really quitted the specified element or moved from one child element to another. |
reallyOver |
The reallyOver method determines whether the mouse cursor is really over the specified element or got from one child element to another. |
releaseCapture |
The releaseCapture method removes saved value. |
removeChildren |
The removeChildren method removes all children in a specified DOM tree. |
removeClass |
The removeClass method removes CSS class from a specified element. |
removePropertyFromJSON |
The removePropertyFromJSON method removes specified property from JSON object. |
requestAnimationFrame |
The requestAnimationFrame method performs specified function with minimum delay. |
rmvFrmArr |
The rmvFrmArr method removes an element from array. |
rmvFrmArrByIdx |
The rmvFrmArrByIdx method removes elements from the array in specified range. |
setCapture |
The setCapture method remembers specified value. |
setCurrentCulture |
The setCurrentCulture method sets specified language and regional parameters as the current culture. |
setTimeout |
The setTimeout method asynchronously calls specified function after selected time has elapsed. |
setValueToJSON |
The setValueToJSON method sets property value for object with any nesting level relative to the initial object. |
show |
The show method shows a specified DOM element. |
String.ellipsis |
The ellipsis method clips a string to a certain length. |
String.escapeHTML |
The escapeHTML method escapes characters of HTML markup in specified string. |
String.escapeRegExp |
The escapeRegExp method escapes special characters to use the string in a regular expression. |
String.format |
The format method substitutes values to a string. |
String.getRandom |
The getRandomString method returns string with specified length consisting of arbitrary Latin characters. |
String.leftPad |
The leftPad method adds missing number of characters in the beginning of the string. |
String.pattern |
The pattern method replaces variables in a string with values. |
String.repeat |
The repeat method repeats a string desired number of times and adds a splitter between repeating substrings, if necessary. |
String.replaceAll |
The replaceAll method replaces all specified occurrences in the string with specified substring. |
String.trim |
The trim method trims white spaces in the beginning and end of the string. |
String.unescapeHTML |
The unescapeHTML method unescapes characters of HTML markup in the specified string. |
startsWith |
The startsWith method determines whether string starts with the specified substring. |
toArray |
The toArray method moves an object to array. |
trim |
The trim method removes white space characters from the beginning and end of a string. |
unescapeHTML |
The unescapeHTML method unescapes characters of HTML markup in the specified string. |
widthToPixel |
The widthToPixel method converts length values to pixels. |