
Namespace: PP.Ui;

Inheritance hierarchy





The ChartPolarYAxis class implements Y axis in polar coordinate system.


PP.initClass(PP.Ui.ChartPolarYAxis, PP.Ui.ChartCanvasAxis, "PP.Ui.ChartPolarYAxis");


  Constructor name Brief description
ChartPolarYAxis The ChartPolarYAxis constructor creates an instance of the ChartPolarYAxis class.

Properties inherited from the class ChartCanvasAxis

  Property name Brief description
AllowDecimals The AllowDecimals property determines whether fractional values are used for chart axis.
AlternateColor The AlternateColor property determines alternating fill color of plot area.
AutoHideValue The AutoHideValue property determines the minimum size, after which the axis is hidden.
AxisCross The AxisCross property determines whether the axis starts with a tick mark.
BottomIntervals The BottomIntervals property determines bottom indent.
Categories The Categories property determines chart axis categories.
DisplayUnit The DisplayUnit property determines tick mark intervals.
DrawBackgroundContext The DrawBackgroundContext property determines a rendering context for custom axis objects.
DrawContext The DrawContext property determines a rendering context for chart axis.
EditModeContetx The EditModeContetx property determines a rendering context used in the edit mode.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether a chart axis is active.
ExactIntervals The ExactIntervals property determines whether casting of scale to exact values is disabled.
GridEnabled The GridEnabled property determines whether gridlines are displayed.
GridLineColor The GridLineColor property determines gridline color.
GridLineDashStyle The GridLineDashStyle property determines gridline style.
GridLineWidth The GridLineWidth property determines gridline width.
Inverted The Inverted property determines whether a chart axis is inverted.
IsLogarithmic The IsLogarithmic property determines whether a chart axis is logarithmic.
IsX The IsX property determines whether the current axis is a category one.
IsZ The IsZ property determines whether the current axis is a value one.
Labels The Labels property determines an object with settings of chart axis labels.
LineColor The LineColor property determines axis line color.
LineEnabled The LineEnabled property determines axis line activity.
LineWidth The LineWidth property determines chart axis width.
Max The Max property determines maximum value of chart axis.
Min The Min property determines minimum value of chart axis.
MinorGridEnabled The MinorGridEnabled property determines whether minor lines are displayed.
MinorGridLineColor The MinorGridLineColor property determines color of minor lines.
MinorGridLineDashStyle The MinorGridLineDashStyle property determines style of minor lines.
MinorGridLineWidth The MinorGridLineWidth property determines width of minor lines.
MinorIntervals The MinorIntervals property determines the number of minor lines.
MinorTickColor The MinorTickColor property determines color of minor axis tick mark lines.
MinorTickLength The MinorTickLength property determines length of minor axis tick mark lines.
MinorTickPlacement The MinorTickPlacement property determines position style of minor axis tick mark lines.
MinorTicksEnabled The MinorTicksEnabled property determines whether minor axis tick mark lines are displayed.
MinorTickWidth The MinorTickWidth property determines width of minor axis tick mark lines.
Opposite The Opposite property determines whether chart axis is mirrored relative to its original position.
Parent The Parent property determines a chart, to which the axis belongs.
PlotBands The PlotBands property determines an array of user areas on chart axis.
PlotLines The PlotLines property determines an array of custom axis lines.
Position The Position property determines axis position relative to chart plot area.
PositionValue The PositionValue property determines chart position relative to chart plot area.
Primary The Primary property determines whether the current axis is a primary one.
ShowMarksForHiddenLabels The ShowMarksForHiddenLabels property determines whether labels are displayed for empty categories.
StrictLabelsThinning The StrictLabelsThinning property determines whether thinning is executed only by thinning step, without taking into account the first and the last label.
TickCross The TickCross property determines whether tick mark lines are crossed.
TickInterval The TickInterval property determines axis tick mark interval in measurement units of its values.
TickIntervalsCount The TickIntervalsCount property determines a fixed number of chart axis intervals.
TickMarksInterval The TickMarksInterval property determines an interval between labels.
TickPixelInterval The TickPixelInterval property determines an axis tick mark interval in pixels.
TickPlacement The TickPlacement property determines position style of axis tick marks.
TickColor The TickColor property determines axis tick mark color.
TicksEnabled The TicksEnabled property determines whether axis tick mark lines are displayed.
TickLength The TickLength property determines length of axis tick mark lines.
TickWidth The TickWidth property determines width of axis tick mark lines.
Title The Title property determines chart axis title.
TopIntervals The TopIntervals property determines top indent.
UseDefaultExtremes The UseDataExtremes method determines whether minimum and maximum values of chart axes without data are used.

Methods inherited from the class ChartCanvasAxis

  Method name Brief description
addPlotBand The addPlotBand method adds a user area of chart axis.
checkMouseCoords The checkMouseCoords method checks if the mouse cursor points to chart axis label and calls appropriate events.
drawVisualLines The drawVisualLines method renders axis lines for the specified chart data series points.
getAxisValue The getAxisValue method returns the value that corresponds to the specified chart axis coordinate.
getDataExtremes The getDataExtremes method returns minimum and maximum values of chart axes.
getLinkedSeries The getLinkedSeries method returns an array of data series related with chart axis.
getPixelLength The getPixelLength method returns chart axis length in pixels.
getPixelValue The getPixelValue method returns chart axis coordinate for the specified value.
getPlotBorders The getPlotBorders method returns chart plot area sizes and paddings.
getRoundedMax The getRoundedMax method returns rounded value of chart axis maximum.
getRoundedMin The getRoundedMin method returns rounded value of chart axis minimum.
getSeriesExtremes The getSeriesExtremes method returns minimum and maximum values of chart axis.
getSize The getSize method returns chart axis width in pixels.
handleClick The handleClick method generates an event of chart axis label click.
handleDblClick The handleDblClick method generates an event of chart axis label double-click.
lin2log The lin2log method converts linear value of chart axis into logarithmic one.
log2lin The log2lin method converts logarithmic value of chart axis into linear one.
redraw The redraw method rerenders a chart axis.
removePlotBand The removePlotBand method removes a user area of chart axis.
removeVisualLines The removeVisualLines method removes chart axis lines.
setAxisOffset The setAxisOffset method sets chart axis offset from its beginning in pixels.

Events inherited from the class ChartCanvasAxis

   Event name Brief description
LabelClick The LabelClick event occurs on clicking a chart axis label.
LabelMouseOut The LabelMouseOut event occurs after the cursor leaves a chart axis label.
LabelMouseOver The LabelMouseOver event occurs after the cursor hovers a chart axis label.
TitleDblClick The TitleDblClick event occurs on double-clicking a chart axis title.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

See also:
