Rendered: function(sender, args);
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
The Rendered event occurs on rendering the chart.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the Chart component named chart (see Example of Creating a Histogram). Set handler for the Rendered event and invoke this event:
// Set event handler for chart rendering chart.Rendered.add(function() { console.log("Rendered event"); // Get a message informing if Cartesian coordinates system is used for chart rendering var isCartesian = chart.getIsCartesianChart() ? "yes" : "no"; // Get a message informing if polar coordinate system is used var isPolar = chart.getPolar() ? "yes" : "no"; // Get a message indicating whether the chart is draggable var isDraggable = chart.getDraggable() ? "yes" : "no"; // Get a message indicating whether selection on right click is allowed in the chart var useSelectOnRightClick = chart.getUseSelectOnRightClick() ? "yes" : "no"; // Get a message indicating whether the chart is a mixed type chart var isMixed = chart.getIsMixed() ? "yes" : "no"; // Get the object that contains chart size and paddings var borders = chart.getPlotBorders(); // Display chart information in the browser console console.log("Does the chart use Cartesian coordinates system? " + isCartesian); console.log("Does the chart use polar coordinates system? " + isPolar); console.log("Is the chart draggable? " + isDraggable); console.log("Is right click selection allowed? " + useSelectOnRightClick); console.log("Is the chart a mixed type chart? " + isMixed); console.log("Coordinates of the top left corner of the chart: (" + borders.X + ";" + borders.Y + ")"); console.log("Chart width: " + borders.W); console.log("Chart height: " + borders.H); // Show types of the chart data series to the browser console var seriesTypes = chart.getSeriesTypes(); for (var i = 0; i < seriesTypes.length; i++) { console.log("Series " + i + ", type: " + seriesTypes[i]); } }); // Fire the Rendered event;
After executing the example the browser console displays information on invoking the Rendered event and also displays information about the rendered chart:
Rendered event
Does the chart use Cartesian coordinates system? yes
Does the chart use polar coordinates system? no
Is the chart draggable? no
Is right click selection allowed? yes
Is the chart a mixed type chart? no
Coordinates of the top left corner of the chart: (77.4609375;54)
Chart width: 502.5390625
Chart height: 318
Series 0, type: Column
Series 1, type: Column
Series 2, type: Column
Series 3, type: Column
Series 4, type: Column
Delete the chart:
// Delete the chart chart.destroy();
As a result the chart is deleted.
See also: