Setting Up Dictionary Structure

Dictionary structure setup is available only in the desktop application on opening a dictionary for edit on the Description tab.

To set up dictionary structure, follows the steps:

  1. Determine basic dictionary settings.

  1. Add attributes.

  1. Add parameters if required.

  1. Create links if required.

  1. Add keys if required.

  1. Create import and export schemas if required.

  1. Create levels if required.

  1. Manage nested elements parameters if required.

  1. Manage access subjects if required.

  1. Select data sources for a composite table dictionary.

  1. Replace the predefined dialog box view if required.

  1. Translate dictionary into other languages if required.

For details about setting up multilingual options of repository contents and system in general, see the Setting Up Multilingual Options section.

See also:

Working with MDM Dictionaries | Working with Dictionary Elements | Navigator Section of the Security Manager | Administrator and User Permissions