Updating Web Application of Foresight Analytics Platform at IBM WebSphere Portal

To update web application of Foresight Analytics Platform at IBM WebSphere Portal:

  1. Log in to the portal.

  2. Go to the Administration tab in the Manage Portlets section and select the Web Modules item.

  3. Find the pp-wps.war module using the search field.

  4. Click the Update Web Module button (shown in red in the figure below):

  1. The web module update wizard opens. Click the Select File button, select a new version of the pp-wps.war archive from the file system and click the Next button.

  2. A page with the list of updated portlets opens. Click the Finish button. If the update is completed successfully, an appropriate message is displayed.

See also:

Integrating Foresight Analytics Platform with IBM WebSphere Portal