Android Framework

Before connecting Android framework to the mobile application development project make sure that the project contains a data source with resources.

To connect Android framework to the mobile application development project:

  1. Load the module FMPAndroid19.03.06.aar with Android framework.

NOTE. To get a framework module, contact technical support by sending a request to or technical support services that are available after registration at the website.

  1. Connect the *.aar unit using Android Studio:

2.1. Open project structure settings in the File menu:

2.2. Press ALT+INSERT or click the green plus at the top left corner of the dialog box.

2.3. Select the AAR type.

2.4. Specify the *.aar file from the unpacked folder and click the Finish button. After this initialize Android framework.

2.5. Go to the Dependencies tab, click the plus sign at the left, then select the Module Dependency parameter, then select the connected module and click the OK button.

2.6. Connect Gson library. To do this, click the plus sign at the right and select the Library Dependency parameter, then enter gson to the search field and select the latest version of, then click the OK button.

  1. Synchronize and compile the project. After this the HyperHive class must be available for successful framework connection.

After executing the operations the Android framework is connected to the mobile application development project.

Android framework methods are used on requests to mobile platform server. For example, the request to mobile platform server uses a method to get a table from a data source. The mobile platform server establishes connection with the data source, gets and sends the table to a mobile device.

To initialize and set up Android, see the Initializing Android Framework section.

For details about Android framework methods, see the Describing Android Framework Methods section.

To view examples of Android framework use see the Examples of Android Framework Use section.

See also:

Development | Initializing Android Framework | Describing Android Framework Methods | Examples of Android Framework Use