

The VZBubbleTree class implements an object used to work with a bubble tree.

Properties of Class Object Inherited from IVZBubbleTree

  Property name Brief description
The Alignment property determines alignment type for elements in a bubble tree.
The AnimationTime property determines animation time in seconds for bubble tree elements.
The Captions property determines labels for bubble tree elements.
The ColorVisual property determines a visualizer which maps bubble tree data with color fill of their children.
The InnerLabelsStyle property determines inner labels style of bubble tree elements.
The ItemsToolTipStyle property returns an object used to work with tooltip style.
The LabelAutoColor property determines whether automatic color of tooltip font is used.
The OrbitsPen property determines orbit line pen for a bubble tree.
The OuterLabelsStyle property determines outer labels style for bubble tree elements.
The Palette property determines color palette of a bubble tree.
The SizeVisual property selects visualizer used to determine size of bubble tree children.
The TextVisual property determines text visualizer.
The UseItemColorForToolTipBorder property determines whether the element color is used to select the tooltip border when pointing the mouse cursor on it.

Properties of Class Object Inherited from IVZTreeDataVisualizer

  Property name Brief description
The Model property determines a data model for tree-type visualizers.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Classes