Process Execution Monitoring

Process monitoring contains all started process instances that are available to the user. A process instance is a process running with specific parameter values. The number of running instances is unlimited.

The list of process instances in process monitoring can be different depending on user access. If the user is assigned as owner for a specific step execution, then the step will be displayed on executing in process monitoring.

NOTE. The repository administrator has access to all started process instances.

To monitor and execute a process:

  1. Make sure that the process is started.

  2. Open the Process Monitoring window:

After executing one of the operations, the Process Monitoring window opens in the desktop application. A new page with process monitoring opens in the web application.

  1. Execute process steps depending on the step execution method:

On executing the process steps it is available to reject finished process step.

  1. Browse the process stages or steps execution log if required.

After executing operations, the process steps will be executed.

Indicating Stage and Step Execution Status

In the working area of process monitoring each stage or step is marked with color and status.

Available options of execution status indication:

NOTE. To view color indication of process execution statuses, select the Legend main menu item.

Advanced Features

Process manager and administrator, under condition that administrator has a full access to the process, have advanced features:

NOTE. Before executing all the commands for process steps execution the dialog box opens to confirm the current operation and enter a comment.
The whole process can be finished using the Stop button under condition of client process execution on user local computer. If server process execution is set up, then it is required to stop the process using task scheduler on server.

See also:

Getting Started with the Business Process Management Extension | Executing Process Steps in Automatic Mode | Executing Process Steps in Manual Mode