Building Report for Printing > Building Report > Using Table Sheet > Adding a New Sheet and Working with It > Working with Table Sheet Data > Entering Data into Sheet Cell
To enter data into a cell, execute one of the following operations:
Select a cell in the report sheet.
Select cell, place the cursor to formula bar.
Select a cell and press F2.
After this enter required data to the cell.
After you have entered data, to exit the cell contents edit mode:
Press the ENTER key.
Press the TAB key.
Press an arrow key to move to the neighbor cell in specified direction. This method does not work if the cell has been edited using the F2 key or the formula bar.
NOTE. If you enter a value with a lot of decimal places, the value converts to Decimal, if this cell previously contained a Decimal value. If the cell contained a value of another type, the value converts only if you set the Decimal value using Fore.
If you press the point in numeric keyboard when editing the cell contents, decimal separator character is entered into the cell based on the current system setting.
NOTE. These methods cannot be used to edit cell contents if the value editor is set up for this cell. For example, dictionary drop-down list.
See also: