Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Multidimensional Data Structures > Cube > Calculated Cube
A calculated cube is used to get new data calculated on the other cubes' data. Creating a calculated cube requires one or several cubes of any type. Dimensions in the calculated cube can be copied from source cubes or created on basis of arbitrary dictionaries. Facts can be created by the user or copied from the source cube. All formulas for calculating cube data are user-defined.
The calculated cube wizard contains a number of basic pages described in the Working with Wizards section. The following pages are also available in the wizard:
Facts. A list of cube facts, which will then reflect actual cube data is created.
Cubes Structure. Source cubes are specified, which data will be used in calculation, and a calculated cube structure is created.
Alternative Cube. The cube is specified, to which all calculated values should be saved if the source cube does not support data saving.
Units and Indicators. Dictionaries are specified, which are used to organize automatic data scaling into required measurement units.
Manage Formulas. The dimension and dimension attribute are specified, by which values formula actual period should be determined.
Manage Parameters. Passing of parameter values to open objects used in the cube is set up.
Controlling Dimensions. Interaction between parametric cube dimensions and other dimensions is set up.
NOTE. The calculated cube wizard is available only in the desktop application.
To create or edit calculated cube formulas, select the Edit Formulas item in the context menu. The formula editor opens. The option is available only in the desktop application.
See also:
Cubes | Common Cube Creation Wizard