Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Multidimensional Data Structures > Cube > Automatic Cube > Controlling Dimensions
The Managing Nested Object Parameters page is used to set up expressions, based on which values of parametric cube objects' parameters are calculated.
If the cube contains parametric dimensions, it is available to set up control over parameters of these dimensions via the cube dimensions. Values of specific attributes should be passed as parameter values.
TIP. If a cube is used as an indicator in a data entry form, it has parametrized dimensions and it is required to control these dimensions using other cube dimensions, use this setting for the cube.
This wizard page shows all parametric dimensions:
To set up a controlling dimension, select one of the parameters of the controlled dimension and click the Edit button:
The following parameters are set in the dialog box that opens:
Controlling Dimension. In the drop-down list select the dictionary, so that values of dictionary attributes are passed as a parameter value.
Controlling Expression. The expression, based on which parameter value is to be calculated. An expression for the controlled parameter is set in the Expression Editor dialog box opened by clicking the button. Data area of the formula editor displays each attribute of the controlling dictionary with the following functions:
First. Value of the first element attribute in the existing controlling dimension selection is passed to the parameter.
Last. Value of the last element attribute in the existing controlling dimension selection is passed to the parameter.
All. The function passes the array of attribute values of all elements existing into the controlling dimension selection. This function should not be used as it is. It is required to pass the array of values to a custom function, which calculates the value and passes it to the parameter of the controlling dimension.
A controlling dimension and expression are not to be determined for the controlled parameter on clicking the Clear button.
See also: