Reference > Setting Up Multilingual Options > Translating Resources > Adding a new Translation Language
The resources use:
Default Repository Language. Translation language to display repository contents in default language. To provide a correct work, default languages in resources and in repository must match.
Repository Language for Current User. Translation language to display repository contents in repository language for current user, if it differs from default language. If in resources there is no translation language matching the repository language for current user, then default resource language values are used.
To change repository language for current user:
Select the Tools > Parameters item. The repository access settings open.
Open repository parameters for edit.
Click the More button and change the language in the Additional Parameters dialog box that opens.
After executing the operations, repository language for current user changes.
Current Translation Language. Translation language selected in resources.
After translation resources are created, there is only default repository language. If default language is not set for repository, then resources contain the language corresponding to the Foresight Analytics Platform interface language, that will be used as default language for resources.
To add a new translation language in resources:
Select the File > Add Language main menu item.
The Add New Language dialog box opens:
Select a language in drop-down list.
After executing operations, there will be available to select translation display in the selected language in the main window drop-down list:
On selecting translation language, the column with translations in selected language will be displayed next to the column with default language translations.
To delete the language:
Select the File > Delete Language main menu item.
The Delete Created Language dialog box opens:
Select a language in drop-down list.
After executing those actions, the selected language will be removed.
To work with languages, using the Fore language, use the IResourceLocales interface.
NOTE. The default language must be set for the current repository.
To change default resource language:
Select the File > Set Default Language main menu item.
The Set Default Language dialog box opens:
Select the default language in the drop-down list. The list of available languages is created from previously added languages.
After executing the operations, the default resource language will change.
NOTE. To provide a correct work, the default languages in resources and in repository must match.
See also: