Advanced Analytics > Calculation and Model Designer > Modeling and Forecasting > Modeling in the Desktop Application > Starting Modeling and Forecasting
Start Foresight Analytics Platform desktop application and open object navigator:
Double-click the Modeling Container object in the folder tree.
Select the Open item in modeling container's context menu.
Select the Edit context menu item of any child object in the modeling container.
Select the Open With > Modeling Container context menu item of time series database. A modeling container with the selected time series database as a source is created and opened.
The main window of modeling and forecasting block opens.
The Modeling and Forecasting tool can work in the following modes in the desktop application:
Mode on attributes. It is used by default. Models can be created and calculated based on the data obtained by a set of data source attributes. Time series databases and cubes can be used as a data source.
Mode on variables. Models can be created based on the data from modeling variables. This mode is used to support models created in the earlier Prognoz Platform versions.
To select modeling and forecasting work mode, use the parameter in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\9.2\Model\UseMsVariablesUI. The parameter can take the following values:
0. Working in the mode on attributes.
1. Working in the mode on variables.
If the parameter is missing, create it.The parameter type is DWORD(32 bit).
See also:
Desktop Application: Interface Description