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Ui > Ui Assembly Interfaces > IUiLicenseManager



The IUiLicenseManager interface is used to manage licenses.


The interface is outdated, use ILicenseManager.


   Property name Brief description
IsStandalone The IsStandalone property returns True if a stand-alone license is used, otherwise it returns False.

The Server property returns license server name, from which the license is used.


   Method name Brief description
AddFeature The AddFeature method adds a license code.
CheckinCommuterLicense The CheckinCommuterLicense method checks in a local license, enabling the temporary use of application out of network environment, to license server.
CheckoutCommuterLicense The CheckoutCommuterLicense method checks out a local license enabling to use the application out of network environment from license server.
DeleteFeature The DeleteFeature method deletes license code from the current session.
GetAllFeatures The GetAllFeatures method returns the list of all available features.
GetCommuterInfo The GetCommuterInfo method gets information about temporary local feature checked out from license server.
GetFeatureInfo The GetFeatureInfo method gets information on a feature.

The IsCheckedOut method checks if a temporary local license is checked out from license server.

LicenseRequest The LicenseRequest method checks if the set feature is included to the license and returns check result.
LockingCode The LockingCode method returns code of license binding to the computer.
Refresh The Refresh method refreshes all features in use.

See also:

Ui Assembly Interfaces