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Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabView


Assembly: Tab;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;


The ITabView interface contains properties and methods that are used to set up table appearance.

Inheritance hierarchy



The access to spreadsheet appearance is given via the ITabSheet.View property.


  Property name Brief description
The ActiveColumn property determines the number of the last column, in which the hyperlink was clicked.
The ActiveRow property determines the number of the last row in which the hyperlink was clicked.
The AllowMouseWheelScroll property determines whether it is possible to scroll the table rows using the mouse wheel.
The AllowUnlimitedScroll property determines the scrolling mode for table rows.
The AutoFilter property returns the object, which contains the auto filter of the table.
The TopRow property returns index of the lowermost row located in the visible range of the table.
The ColumnsHeaderHeight property determines the column header height.
The DisplayAccessRights property determines whether the icons () showing access permissions are to be displayed.
The DisplayClippedCellHints property determines whether to show a tooltip containing the full text of table cell.
The DisplayColumnNames property determines visibility of table column headers.
The DisplayDarkFixedBorder property determines whether the shadow of the fixed area is displayed.
The DisplayFixedAreaLines property determines whether the fixed area lines are displayed.
The DisplayFootnotesToolTips property determines whether tooltip with footnote text will be displayed on hovering mouse cursor over footnote number in the cell area.
The DisplayGrid property determines visibility of the table grid.
The DisplayNumberSigns property determines a method that is used to display non-text data that overrun text borders.
The DisplayNumericColumnNames property determines whether the names of table columns are displayed as numbers.
The DisplayPaperOut property determines whether the pagination is visible.
The DisplayPasteOptions property determines whether parameters of data pasting are displayed.
The DisplayRegion property determines whether the borders of data and formula areas are visible.
The DisplayRowNumbers property determines whether the row numbers are visible.
Outdated. Use ITabView.VisibleScrollBars.
The EnableEdit property determines whether the table cells contents can be edited.
The EnableHyperlinks property determines whether hyperlinks should work in table cells.
The EnableInteractiveSelection property determines whether data of the selected range can be moved, and cells can be automatically filled based on the selected range.
Outdated. Use ITabErrorCheckingOptions.ErrorIndicatorsColor.
The ExpanderWidth property returns the size of the table expander in millimeters.
The Fixed property returns the value that is used to determine whether a fixed area is present in the table.
The FixedAreaLinesColor property determines the color of the fixed area lines.
The FixedBehaviour property determines the mode of working with rows and columns, if there is a fixed area.
The FixedBorderStyleProperty returns style of display for the lines of a fixed region.
The FixedColumnsCount property determines the number of fixed columns in the table.
The FixedRowsCount property determines the number of fixed rows in the table.
The HeadersSelectionColor property determines the highlight color of headers in the table.

The HighlightFormulas property determines whether the table cells with formulas are highlighted.

The LeftColumn property returns index of the leftmost column located at the border of the table's visible range.
The Protection property returns the object, that contains table protection settings.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedoState.Action.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.RedoCount.
The RightColumn property returns index of the rightmost column located on the border of the table's visible range.
The RowsHeaderWidth property determines the row header width.
The Scale property determines the scale of the table.
The Selection property returns the current selection in the table.
The SelectionBorderColor property determines color of selection border in the table.
The SelectionColor property determines the selection color in the table.
The SelectionMovementDirection property determines direction of selection movement after pressing ENTER.
The Size property returns the size of the visible area of the table in millimeters.
The TabLineFeed property determines whether it is possible to navigate table line-by-line.
The TopRow property returns index of the uppermost visible row located at the border of the table's visible area.
Outdated. The UndoAction property returns name of the operation that should be undone by index.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.UndoCount.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Enabled.
The UserIntearactiveSelections property returns the collection of interactive cell ranges.
Outdated. The UseWpfEditor property enables and disables using WPF editor on editing value of a cell.
The VisibleScrollBars property determines whether the horizontal and vertical scroll bars of the table are visible.


  Method name Brief description
The ConvertPtToView method converts a point in screen coordinates into a point relative to the upper left corner of the table visible area.
The EditCell method makes a cell editable.
The EmulateCellClick method emulates a click on the specified cell.
The EmulateCellPictureClick method emulates a click on the image located in the specified cell.
The EmulateHyperlinkClick method emulates the click on the hyperlink in the specified cell.
The EndEdit method exits cell editing mode.
The EnsureRowVisible method scrolls the table in such a way, that the defined row is in the visible range.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Flush.
The HitTest method returns the table region, containing the point, the coordinates of which are passed as input parameters.
The HitTestCell method calculates indexes of the row and the column for the table cell containing the point, the coordinates of which are passed as input parameters.
The HitTestObject method returns the table object, containing the point, the coordinates of which are passed as input parameters.
The HitTestRegion method returns the table region, containing the point, the coordinates of which are passed as input parameters.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Redo.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Redo.
Outdated. Use ITabView.ShowFormatDialogEx.
The ShowFormatDialog method displays a format dialog box for the current selection.
The ShowFormulaWizard method calls the formula wizard dialog box for TabRange.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Undo.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Undo.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces