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Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabRequiredParametersException


Assembly: Tab;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;


The ITabRequiredParametersException interface is used to work with exceptional situation that occurs when function without parameters and brackets is recorded in the table cell.

Inheritance hierarchy




If any function with arguments is written in the table cell without brackets and arguments (), corresponding messages about error are displayed:

Properties inherited from IException

  Property name Brief description
Line The Line property returns the number of the row which execution throws an exception.
Message The Message property returns an error message.
MessageID The MessageID property returns the numeric identifier of an error.
NestedException The NestedException property returns the error, which caused the current exception.
Source The Source property returns the information about the error source.


  Method name Brief description
SetFuncName The SetFuncName method sets function name in instance of the error which appears on writing the function without parameters and brackets in the table cell.

Methods inherited from IException

  Method name Brief description
ReportError The ReportError method displays an error report.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces