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Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabOptions



The ITabOptions interface contains properties of table parameters.


  Property name Description
AutoPercentEntry The AutoPercentEntry property determines whether the Automatic percentage entry checkbox is selected in the Sheet Parameters type of values.
AutoUpdateCellsText The AutoUpdateCellsText property determines automatic update of cells to correctly display multiple selection of dictionary and group of elements in the cell.
CopyFormulasOnRowColumnInsertion The CopyFormulasOnRowColumnInsertion property determines the status of the option «Copy formulas when pasting rows/columns».
EmptyValuesTreatmentType Outdated. Use ITabErrorCheckingOptions.EmptyValuesTreatmentType.
EnableEmptyValuesTreatment Outdated. Use ITabErrorCheckingOptions.EnableChecking.
IterativeCalculation The IterativeCalculation property determines whether to use iterative calculations that allow calculation of cells containing formulas that include circular references.
MaxChange The MaxChange property determines the relative error with which the system compares the difference of values of each cell containing circular references in the current and the previous iteration.
MaxIterations The MaxIterations property sets the number of iterations after which the calculation of cells containing circular references is stopped.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces