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Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabObject


Assembly: Tab;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;


The ITabObject interface is used to work with an object located on a table sheet.

Inheritance hierarchy



To work with object located on a table sheet, use the ITabObjects interface.


  Property name Description
The ActivationMode property determines the table objects activation mode.
The Active property returns whether the object is active at the moment.
The Angle property determines the rotation angle of a table object.
The ClassId property returns the class identifier of the object, located on the table sheet.
The Extension property allows to convert an existing object to another type.
The Id property determines the identifier of the object, located on the table sheet.
The InteractiveRestrictions property determines move and resize modes that are not available for an object.
The Location property determines the top left corner of the object, located on the table sheet.
The MovementMode property determines the mode of changing the object position and size.
The ParentGroup returns the item group.
The Printable property determines whether the object located on the table sheet can be printed.
The Rectangle property determines the rectangular region of the object, located on the table sheet.
The Selected property returns True if the object is selected at the moment.
The Sheet property returns the sheet, on which the object is located.
The Size property determines the size of the object, located on the table sheet.
The Tag property determines any value linked to the object.
The Tooltip property determines the text of the tooltip, which appears when the mouse cursor is over the object.
The Transparent property determines whether the object on the table sheet is transparent.
The Visible property determines the visibility of the object, located on the table sheet.


  Method name Description
The Activate method activates the current object located on the table sheet.
The BringToFront method brings the object to front.
The CenterAtView method scrolls table rows and columns in such a way, that the current object is located in the center of the table.
The Copy method copies the object to clipboard.
The Cut method cuts the object and places it to clipboard.
The Deactivate method deactivates the current object located on the table sheet.
The Deselect method deselects the current object, located on the table sheet.
The Flip method flips the report object.
The MoveBack method moves the object back.
The MoveForward method moves the object forward.
The PutAtRange method places the object to the range, which is passed as the input parameter.
The Select_ method selects the current object, located on the report sheet.
The SendToBack method places the object to back.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces