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Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabFootnote


Assembly: Tab;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;


The ITabFootnote interface contains properties to set up footnote parameters.

Inheritance hierarchy



Parameters of the footnote can be obtained using different properties and methods of the ITabFootnotes collection.


  Property name Brief description
Column The Column property determines index of cell column for which footnote is created.
CustomMark The CustomMark property determines a custom label that is used to determine the footnote.
CustomMarkFontName The CustomMarkFontName property determines name of the font that is used to draw a footnote.
FormattedText The FormattedText property returns footnote text in the RTF format.
Number The Number property returns the sequence number of the footnote.
NumberText The NumberText property returns footnote number in a text format.
Row The Row property determines index of the cell row for which the footnote is created.
Text The Text property determines footnote text.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces