Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabCellStyle > ITabCellStyle.AccessRights
AccessRights: TabAccessRights;
The AccessRights property determines access permissions for the data used for this style.
To execute the example a form with a button named Button1 on it, a TabSheetBox component, and a UiTabSheet component named UiTabSheet1 that is the data source for TabSheetBox are required.
The example is executed when you click the button.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Tab: ITabSheet;
TabView: ITabView;
Style: ITabCellStyle;
Tab := UiTabSheet1.TabSheet;
TabView := Tab.View;
TabView.DisplayAccessRights := True;
Style := Tab.Row(0).Style;
Style.AccessRights := TabAccessRights.Read;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example the first row of the table becomes read-only.
See also: