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Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabCellSearch



The ITabCellSearch interface contains properties and methods that are used to search values in the cells.


  Property name Description
CaseSensitive The CaseSensitive property determines whether the searched characters are case sensitive.
Direction The Direction property determines the search direction.
InFormulas Outdated. Use ITabCellSearch.Target.
Range The Range property determines the range, within which search should be done.
RequiredStyle The RequiredStyle property determines style of the cells to be included in the search.
Target The Target property determines, by which cell properties the search is performed.
Text The Text property determines the text to be searched for in the cells.
WholeWordsOnly The WholeWordsOnly property indicates that only whole words matches are to be found.

Properties inherited from ITabSearch

  Property name Brief description
TabSheet The TabSheet property returns the parent object.


  Property name Description
ResetRequiredStyle The ResetRequiredStyle property clears all style properties in the RequiredStyle.

Methods Inherited from ITabSearch

  Method name Brief description
Execute The Execute method is used to perform search and, if successful, returns the result.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces