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Tab > Tab Assembly Classes > TabNotNumberException > TabNotNumberException.CreateEx





The CreateEx constructor creates an instance of the error containing the text #VAL!.


This constructor is used to create an instance of the error containing the text #VAL!. The message text is translated in the Foresight Analytics Platform system resources that is why the message returned in the IException.Message property will depend on the current language of the platform interface.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a regular report with connected unit. Add a link of the following type to the cell:

=<unit identifier>.<function name>(value of the first parameter, value of the second parameter)

A value or cell address with value can be set as parameter value.

For example:



Add a link to the Tab system assembly.

Public Function Test(A, B: Variant): Variant;
    If A.VarType <> B.VarType Then
        Raise New TabNotNumberException.CreateEx;
        Return A + B;
    End If;
End Function Test;

The example is a macro for a regular report. The macro runtime checks types of the passed parameters. If all the parameters have the same type, the function returns sum of parameter values. If the types differ, the function throws an exception. When an exception is thrown, the table cell shows error text. If Foresight Analytics Platform uses Russian, the error text is #ЗНАЧ!, if the platform uses English, the error text is #VAL!, and so on.

See also:
