Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > ISmCensus2 > ISmCensus2.Output
Output: Array;
Output: System.Array;
The Output property returns the string array that contains the output file generated by the SEATS external programs x11ss.exe and1q2.exe.
The output file is formed by the program:
x11ss.exe, if the monthly seasonality period is selected (ISmCensus2.SeasonalComponentCycleType = SeasonalityCycleType.Month).
x11q2.exe, if the quarterly seasonality period is selected (ISmCensus2.SeasonalComponentCycleType = SeasonalityCycleType.Quater).
To execute the example, add links to the Stat, Io system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
Census2: SmCensus2;
res, i: Integer;
s: Array[36] Of Double;
W: Array[7] Of Double;
TextW: ITextWriter;
Census2 := New SmCensus2.Create;
// Set explained series values
s[0] := 670.2000183; s[12] := Double.Nan; s[24] := 826.6160466;
s[1] := 576.0680563; s[13] := 642.418544; s[25] := 762.3903317;
s[2] := 717.6484268; s[14] := Double.Nan; s[26] := 931.5707266;
s[3] := 856.9105808; s[15] := Double.Nan; s[27] := 1026.666524;
s[4] := 885.4609516; s[16] := 884.504279; s[28] := 1114.124119;
s[5] := 1011.846431; s[17] := 1008.30908; s[29] := 1099.626392;
s[6] := 995.4496292; s[18] := 1108.36628; s[30] := 1189.16892;
s[7] := 1064.742231; s[19] := 1072.77175; s[31] := 1092.343791;
s[8] := 1033.324656; s[20] := 1019.18752; s[32] := 1087.503861;
s[9] := 780.8584552; s[21] := 895.560672; s[33] := 971.6522721;
s[10] := 657.503313; s[22] := 811.036101; s[34] := 826.2502823;
s[11] := 654.547579; s[23] := 756.617764; s[35] := 789.6322825;
Census2.Serie.Value := s;
Census2.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
Census2.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 36;
Census2.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.LinTrend;
Census2.SeasonalComponent.Mode := SeasonalityType.Multiplicative;
Census2.SeasonalComponentCycleType := SeasonalityCycleType.Month;
W[0] := 0.50; W[4] := 1.00;
W[1] := 1.00; W[5] := 1.00;
W[2] := 1.00; W[6] := 1.00;
W[3] := 1.00;
Census2.DailyWeights := W;
Census2.TraidingDaysAdjustment := TraidingDaysAdj.Auto;
Census2.StartPeriod.Year := 1;
Census2.StartPeriod.MonthOrQuarter := 1;
Census2.Holday := Census2HolidayAdjType.C2hatEaster;
Census2.SSAnalysis := False;
res := Census2.Execute;
If res<>0 Then
// saving to file:
TextW := File.OpenTextWriter("C:\Stat_test\Massiv.txt", True);
For i := 0 To Census2.Output.Length - 1 Do
End For;
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the output file, that contains calculations by set parameters, is formed.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports System.IO;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
Census2: SmCensus2;
res, i: integer;
s: Array[36] Of double;
W: Array[7] Of double;
NormDailyWeights, Output: System.Array;
TextW: StreamWriter;
Census2 := New SmCensus2.Create();
// Set explained series values
s[0] := 670.2000183; s[12] := Double.Nan; s[24] := 826.6160466;
s[1] := 576.0680563; s[13] := 642.418544; s[25] := 762.3903317;
s[2] := 717.6484268; s[14] := Double.Nan; s[26] := 931.5707266;
s[3] := 856.9105808; s[15] := Double.Nan; s[27] := 1026.666524;
s[4] := 885.4609516; s[16] := 884.504279; s[28] := 1114.124119;
s[5] := 1011.846431; s[17] := 1008.30908; s[29] := 1099.626392;
s[6] := 995.4496292; s[18] := 1108.36628; s[30] := 1189.16892;
s[7] := 1064.742231; s[19] := 1072.77175; s[31] := 1092.343791;
s[8] := 1033.324656; s[20] := 1019.18752; s[32] := 1087.503861;
s[9] := 780.8584552; s[21] := 895.560672; s[33] := 971.6522721;
s[10] := 657.503313; s[22] := 811.036101; s[34] := 826.2502823;
s[11] := 654.547579; s[23] := 756.617764; s[35] := 789.6322825;
Census2.Serie.Value := s;
Census2.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
Census2.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 36;
Census2.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.mdmLinTrend;
Census2.SeasonalComponent.Mode := SeasonalityType.sstMultiplicative;
Census2.SeasonalComponentCycleType := SeasonalityCycleType.sctMonth;
W[0] := 0.50; W[4] := 1.00;
W[1] := 1.00; W[5] := 1.00;
W[2] := 1.00; W[6] := 1.00;
W[3] := 1.00;
Census2.DailyWeights := W;
Census2.TraidingDaysAdjustment := TraidingDaysAdj.tdaAuto;
Census2.StartPeriod.Year := 1;
Census2.StartPeriod.MonthOrQuarter := 1;
Census2.Holday := Census2HolidayAdjType.C2hatEaster;
Census2.SSAnalysis := False;
res := Census2.Execute();
If res<>0 Then
// saving to file:
Output := Census2.Output;
TextW := File.CreateText("C:\Massiv.txt");
For i := 0 To Census2.Output.Length - 1 Do
End For;
End If;
End Sub;
See also: