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Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > ILindoSettings


Assembly: Stat;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;


The ILindoSettings interface is used to set up parameters of the LINDO module.

Inheritance Hierarchy



LINDO module is a software designed for solving mixed integer programs, linear programs, non-linear programs, stochastic programs, global optimization problems.

NOTE. Install the LINDO module to use it. For details on the LINDO module and terms of its use see the site

To get parameters of the LINDO module, use the ISmNonLinearOptimization.LindoSettings property.


  Property name Brief description
DisposeLindoModelAfterExecute The DisposeLindoModelAfterExecute property determines whether to delete a LINDO model right after execution
DLLPath The DLLPath property determines path to the LINDO library.
EnvParams The EnvParams property returns parameters of the LINDO environment.
LicensePath The LicensePath property determines path to the LINDO license.
MessageString The MessageString property returns text of LINDO error occurred on calculation.
ModelParams The ModelParams property returns parameters of the LINDO model.
MPIPath The MPIPath property determines the path, at which the file with created LINDO problem is unloaded.
nErrorCode The nErrorCode property returns code of the LINDO error occurred on calculation.
The ProblemResultType property determines type of solution, which should be obtained.
ProblemResultWhichType The ProblemResultWhichType property determines type of the problem, which solution should be extracted.
ProblemType The ProblemType property determines type of solved problem.
The SolverType property determines solution method.
The Warnings property returns LINDO warnings occurred on calculation.


  Method name Brief description
GetDouLindoInfo The GetDouLindoInfo method returns the specified real information about calculation method.
GetIntLindoInfo The GetIntLindoInfo method returns the specified integer information about calculation method.
The GetStrLindoInfo method returns the specified information about calculation method.

See also:

Stat Assembly Interfaces