Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > Updating Foresight Analytics Platform > Autoupdate > Setting Up Repositories and Autoupdate Using File
Repositories and autoupdate can be set up using a file of the specified format.
The setup up can be executed on installing Foresight Analytics Platform or on starting the Tuner.exe file:
To set up on installing Foresight Analytics Platform, place XML file in the installer directory. Name the file as Install.pptuner. XML file structure is described below.
To set up using Tuner.exe, start this file from the command line with the XML file name specified. This file must be located in the same directory as Tuner.exe.
Tuner.exe tuner.xml
where: tuner.xml is the name of the XML file, containing information about repository properties and autoupdate options.
To create an XML file, open a standard text editor. An XML file must have the following structure (example):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Metabase Driver="SQLITE" Package="STANDARDSECURITYPACKAGE" DebugMode="1" Name="SQLITE Repository" Ident="SQLITERepository">
<LogonData FileName="C:\Work\sqlite_repo" />
<Metabase Driver="MSSQL2008" Package="STANDARDSECURITYPACKAGE" Authentication="1" DebugMode="1" Name="MSSQL Repository" Ident="MSSQLRepository" Scope="LM">
<LogonData Server="MSSQLServer" Database="PPRepository" />
<AutoUpdate Profile="9.2" Source="Z:\WebBuild\LastKnowGood\Win" SourceType="Path" Update="Ask" Db="ORACLE:LABEL;SERVER@" />
<Splash Visible="1"/>
<Login VisibleAdvanced = "1" />
<Environment Name="TEST_PER1" Args="ARGS_VALUE1"/>
<Environment Name="TEST_PER2" Args="ARGS_VALUE2"/>
<Environment Name="TEST_PER3" Args="ARGS_VALUE3"/>
<App Name="Prognoz" Version="Custom-built 2018"/>
<Info Title="Helpdesk support" Email="" Website=""/>
<Copyright Value="Organization name"/>
<Exception EMail = "" />
The example provides settings for the SQLite driver. Depending on the selected driver type, setup for some sections will differ:
Setup for the Microsoft SQL Server driver
Setup for the PostgreSQL driver
Display image in the login dialog box
Determine system environment variables
Show the Settings button in the login dialog box
Determine contact information in the About dialog box
See also: