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Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > Planning Installation > Software Package of Foresight Analytics Platform > Foresight Analytics Platform Applications > PP.Util.exe


PP.Util.exe is a console application within Foresight Analytics Platform, which executes various additional actions on setting up BI server and security server. The application can be started only by one of the selected actions. The required action is selected by specifying an appropriate set of parameters.

IMPORTANT. The PP.Util.exe application must be started by the same user who controls the work of BI server.

NOTE. On setting BI server to IIS web server, by default the application pool is started under the Network Service user account; on setting BI server to Apache web server the Apache web server is by default works under the Local System user account. To run the PP.Util.exe application under the appropriate user account, one can use the PsExec application, which is included in the standard package of system applications of Windows Sysinternals. To start the application, execute the command "psexec -i -u "nt authority\network service", after that the Windows terminal is run under the specified user account. Then enter PP.Util.exe into the terminal and run this application with the required set of parameters.

Syntax in Windows OS

PP.Util.exe [/save_cert cert_file metabase_id login [password]]

[/save_private_key cert_file cert_id [enc_alg]]

[/save_creds [/ALG enc_alg] metabase_id [/DC|/GC] login [password]]

[/iisdiag [/C] metabase_id login [password]]
[/create_svclog_tables database_id metabase_id login [password [db_login [db_password]]]]
[/clear_svclog_tables metabase_id login [password [db_login [db_password]]]]

Syntax in Linux OS

sudo PP_NODISPLAY=1 ./PP.Util [/save_cert cert_file metabase_id login [password]]

[/save_private_key cert_file cert_id [enc_alg]]

[/save_creds [/ALG enc_alg] metabase_id [/DC|/GC] login [password]]

[/iisdiag [/C] metabase_id login [password]]
[/create_svclog_tables database_id metabase_id login [password [db_login [db_password]]]]
[/clear_svclog_tables metabase_id login [password [db_login [db_password]]]]

Description of Parameters

All parameters are optional. Starting PP.Util.exe without parameters enables the user to view console help by the available sets of parameters.

Parameter Description
[/save_cert cert_file metabase_id login [password]] Saving security certificate in the repository system table to authenticate user by certificate.
  • cert_file. Path and name of the certificate file.

  • metabase_id. Identifier of repository description.

  • login [password]. User credentials to connect to the repository. If the password is not provided, it will be asked on application work.

NOTE. The /save_cert parameter can be contracted to /ce.

[/save_private_key cert_file cert_id [enc_alg]] Saving private key in the registry to use it on connecting by the certificate.
  • cert_file. Path and name of the file containing the private key.

  • cert_id. Identifier of certificate in the repository. This identifier will be obtained after running the /save_cert command.

  • [enc_alg]. Encryption algorithm, which is used to encrypt the private key file before saving in the registry. Available values: gos and pro. On setting the sim value the password is saved without encryption. By default, sim is used.

[/save_creds [/ALG enc_alg] metabase_id [/DC|/GC] login [password]] Saving user credentials in repository connection settings. User credentials are saved in the encrypted form in the registry subsection, where repository connection settings are stored.
  • [/ALG enc_alg]. Encryption algorithm, which is used to encrypt user credentials. Available values: gos and pro. On setting the sim value the password is saved without encryption. By default, sim is used.

  • metabase_id. Identifier of repository description.

  • [/DC|/GC]. Purpose of user credentials: /DC - default connection credentials; /GC - guest connection credentials.

  • login [password]. Credentials to be saved. If the password is not specified, it will be asked on application work.

NOTE. The /save_creds parameter can be contracted to /sc.

[/iisdiag [/C] metabase_id login [password]] Checking of typical problems on installing BI server at IIS.
  • [/C]. Do not check settings determined in IIS, check only the settings, which are executed by the installer on installing BI server.

  • metabase_id. Repository description identifier.

  • login [password]. Repository connection credentials. If the password is not specified, it will be asked on application work.

[/create_svclog_tables database_id metabase_id login [password [db_login [db_password]]]]

Creating repository system tables to store operation execution log. Tables are created both physically (at DBMS server) and in the repository (repository objects - Table).

  • database_id. Identifier of the Database object, to which created table repositories will be set up.

  • metabase_id. Identifier of repository description, in which tables are created.

  • login [password [db_login [db_password]]]. Credentials used to connect to repository and credentials used to authenticate on connecting to the database_id database. If the required credentials are not specified, they are asked on application execution. The [db_login [db_password]] credentials are specified if it is determined by settings of the appropriate repository database.

[/clear_svclog_tables metabase_id login [password [db_login [db_password]]]]

Clearing repository system tables with operation execution logs.

  • metabase_id. Repository description identifier.

  • login [password [db_login [db_password]]]. Credentials used to connect to repository and credentials used to authorize on connecting to the database_id database. If the required credentials are not specified, they are asked on application execution. The [db_login [db_password]] credentials are specified if it is determined by settings of the appropriate repository database.

NOTE. If PP.Util.exe was used to save credentials, and after it the operating system user password, under which BI server works was changed, all credentials must be resaved.

See also:

Foresight Analytics Platform Applications