TabRangeCopyResult TabRangeCut(string mon, TabRangeCopyArg tArg)
mon. Moniker for working with table cell range.
tArg. Parameters for cutting cell range.
The TabRangeCut operation cuts cell range contents.
The operation cuts text, formulas, and cell range formatting. To execute the operation, in the mon field specify regular report instance moniker with the !Sheets!sheet key!range address postfix.
The operation results in the collection of single elements containing cut data. To paste, use the TabRangePaste operation.
Below is the example of cutting cell range contents. The request contains range moniker and the format, in which cutting is executed. The response contains range contents as a byte stream.
"TabRangeCut" :
"mon" : "S1!M!S!P1!Sheets!1!C0:D3",
"tArg" :
"type" : "1"
"TabRangeCutResult" :
"data" :
"it" :
"@type" : "1",
"data" : "dwAAAAMAAAB4nO2WOw7CMBBEZ53wOQLHAMxPNCg3gQYJiYqOihyFo3AArkML2JCxDDExJRBWWjnZWVurp4mcvLM9wYTCPZIi7XsKL44mGyYzbLDCAmtbzNpA7lqMnLvCfnnQWs\/8ZJ9cTOBFWG03x\/n+dBuhZdKea2eSosX1h0SpElWVmHBEfyTFilU1pug5SYSdZw4l2dPWrtnBVerIkcckzxz7f47vcuQRgoAfdZQjqyWOYrt+CRKzZLZBFFLjJaTPcxKqIIXEB0gU0mJ13ZyTKIRFhYDvhlGk9fAdiwoB342ikHjPfpvvVCE2Q2IQEjPuO27jv8gD0nEUKaP290bioStZcxLl6H\/+32RNHp5W7SQkXAEZSqLu"
public static TabRangeCopyResult CutTabRange(string moniker, string sheetKey, string adress)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tTab = new TabRangeCut()
mon = moniker + "!Sheets!" + sheetKey + '!' + adress,
tArg = new TabRangeCopyArg()
type = 1
// Cut cell range
var result = somClient.TabRangeCut(tTab);
return result;
See also: