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Web Service > Web Service Operations > Working with a Repository > SaveObjectAs



SaveObjectAsResult SaveObjectAs(OdId tObject, SaveObjectAsArg tArg)


tObject. Information about saved object.

tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The SaveObjectAs operation executes the specified action and saves the instance of the repository object.


Depending on the specified parameters this operation enables the user to execute the following operations:

The operation executed with the tObject object is specified in the operation field. Depending on the specified action, the following fields should contain specified execution parameters:

Overwriting the existing object changes the contents of the object (data, various parameters and settings). Object metadata (object class, identifier, and name) remain unchanged.

This parameter may also contain parameters of updating the list of repository objects, that will be applied after the operation is executed.

The operation results in the description of the obtained object, and also the updated list of repository objects, if respective operation execution parameters are specified.


Various methods of using this operation are given in the following examples:

Example name
Creating an Object Copy
Moving Object
Overwriting Existing Object

See also:

Common Operations