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Web Service > Web Service Operations > Working with a Repository > GetObjects



GetObjectsResult GetObjects(OdId tParent, OdsFilt tFilter, [GetObjectsArg tArg])


tParent. Identifier of the container object, child objects of which are filtered.

tFilter. Filter parameters, according to which the repository objects are filtered.

tArg. The optional parameter that enables the user to determine what information on the objects must be obtained.


The GetObjects operation returns information about repository objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria.


To execute the operation, specify the following parameters:

The operation results in the collection of descriptions of objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria.

Additionally, in the tArg parameter, the user can determine what information on the objects must be obtained. If the tArg parameter is not specified, the following information about the objects is obtained:


Various methods of using this operation are given in the following examples:

Example name
Getting Object Description by Its Identifier
Getting List of Objects by Class

See also:

Common Operations