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Web Service > Web Service Operations > Working with a Repository > GetMbSec



GetMbSecResult GetMbSec(MbId tMbSec, GetMbSecArg tArg)


tMbSec. Repository connection moniker, which security manager metadata must be obtained.

tArg. Parameters for getting metadata.


The GetMbSec operation gets metadata of the repository security manager.


The operation enables the user to get the following information:

To execute the operation, in the tMbSec parameter specify the repository connection moniker, and in the pattern field of the tArg parameter specify the pattern to be used to get security manager metadata.


Various methods of using this operation are given in the following examples:

Example name
Getting Information about Users
Getting Information about Groups of Users
Getting Description of Object Security
Getting Information about User Profiles

See also:

Common Operations