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Web Service > Web Service Operations > Working with Relational Objects in Repository

Working with Relational Objects of Repository

This section contains description of operations that are used to work with various relational objects of repository: Table, Query, and also with the Database and Repository Connection objects. The operations enable the user to execute the following actions:


Operation Brief description
CloseDatabase The CloseDatabase operation closes opened database instance.
CloseMetabaseLink The CloseMetabaseLink operation closes opened repository connection instance.
CloseQuery The CloseQuery operation closes the opened instance of the Query object.
CloseTable The CloseTable operation closes opened instance of table/external table/view.
GetDatabase The GetDatabase operation gets database metadata.
GetMetabaseLink The GetMetabaseLink operation gets repository connection metadata.
GetQuery The GetQuery operation gets metadata of the Query repository object.
GetTable The GetTable operation gets metadata of table/external table/view.
OpenDatabase The OpenDatabase operation opens database an returns context for working with it.
OpenMetabaseLink The OpenMetabaseLink operation opens repository connection and returns context of working with it.
OpenQuery The OpenQuery operation opens the Query repository object and returns context of working with it.
OpenTable The OpenTable operation opens table/external table/view and returns context for working with it.
SetDatabase The SetDatabase operation changes database metadata.
SetMetabaseLink The SetMetabaseLink operation changes repository connection metadata.
SetQuery The SetQuery operation changes the Query repository object.
SetTable The SetTable operation changes table/external table/view.

See also:

Web Service Operations