Web Service > Web Service Operations > Working with Object Metadata > SetRawMd
SetRawMdResult SetRawMd(OdId tObject, SetRawMdArg tArg)
tObject. Repository object moniker.
tArg. Operation execution parameters.
The SetRawMd operation is used to change repository object metadata.
In the current version this operation is used to load a file to the Document repository object. To execute the operation, in the tObject field specify moniker of the repository document, to which the file must be loaded. Use the tArg.meta.doc field to specify the stream connected with the file that will be loaded to the document. Also determine the doc field in the tArg.pattern pattern. The operation results in the moniker of the changed document. If the metaGet field is defined in execution parameters, execution results in the obtained updated document metadata.
The example of loading a new file to repository document. The request contains document moniker. The response contains the changed document moniker.
See also: