IO > IO Assembly Interfaces > IFile > IFile.Copy
Copy(Source: String; Destination: String; Overwrite: Boolean);
Source. File that must be copied.
Destination. Path corresponding to the directory, to which it must be copied.
Overwrite. Parameter that determines whether file is rewritten if the Destination directory contains a file with the same name. If the parameter is set to False and the file exists, an error message is generated.
The Copy method copies the specified file to the specified directory.
The Destination parameter can also have name of the created file copy.
Sub UserProc;
Path: String = "D:\Work\";
//Check if file exists
If File.Exists(Path + "1.xml") Then
//Check if there is directory, in which file copy is created
If Not Directory.Exists(Path + "Copy") Then
Directory.CreateDirectory(Path + "Copy");
End If;
//Copy file
File.Copy(Path + "1.xml", Path + "Copy\1_copy.xml", True);
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
On executing the example it is checked if the specified file is in the directory. If check results are positive, the file is copied to the directory. If the file with the copy name already exists, it is replaced.
See also: