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Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > ITreeListNodes



The ITreeListNodes interface contains properties and methods of the nodes collection.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of nodes in the collection.
FirstNode The FirstNode property returns the first tree node.
TreeControl The TreeControl property returns parent object.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a new tree node.
AddChild The AddChild method adds a child node for the specified node.
AddChildFirst The AddChildFirst method adds a child node in the first position for the specified node.
AddFirst The AddFirst method adds a node in the first position at the level where the specified node is located.
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method disables update of the visual tree of the component.
Clear The Clear method clears all tree nodes.
Delete The Delete method deletes the specified node.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method cancels the BeginUpdate method.
FindById The FindById method searches for the tree node by identifier.
Insert The Insert method inserts a new node before the specified node.
SelectAll The SelectAll method enables the user to select all tree nodes.
UnselectAll The UnselectAll method enables the user to deselect all tree nodes.

See also:

Forms Assembly Interfaces