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Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > ITreeListNodeBase



The ITreeListNodeBase interface contains basic properties of tree nodes.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of child elements.
FirstChild The FirstChild property returns parameters of the first child element.
HasChildren The HasChildren property determines whether this element has child elements.
Item The Item property returns parameters of the specified child element.
LastChild The LastChild property returns parameters of the last child element.
TreeControl The TreeControl property returns the parent object.


  Method name Brief description
AnyChildSelected The AnyChildSelected method returns whether there are selected child elements.
Collapse The Collapse method collapses the structure of child elements of the tree.
DeleteChildren The DeleteChildren method deletes all child elements of the current element.
Expand The Expand method expands hierarchy of the child elements tree.
SelectChildren The SelectChildren method selects child elements.
UnselectChildren The UnselectChildren method deselects child elements.

See also:

Forms Assembly Interfaces