Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > ITreeListNode > ITreeListNode.IsDropTarget
IsDropTarget: Boolean;
The IsDropTarget property determines whether any node is passing over the current node at the moment.
It is used to set up the Drag&Drop mechanism. When the property is set to True, the current node is selected.
Executing the example requires a form, the Button1 button on the form and the TreeList component named TreeList1. The Drag&Drop mechanism is activated for TreeList1.
Sub TreeList1OnDragOver(Sender: Object; Args: IDragEventArgs);
Node: ITreeListNode;
Node := TreeList1.GetItemAt(Args.Point);
If Node <> Null Then
Node.IsDropTarget := True;
End If;
Args.Effect := DragDropEffects.Move;
End Sub TreeList1OnDragOver;
After executing the example when any node is dragged in the TreeList1 component, the node, over which the dragging is executed, is selected.
See also: