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Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > ITreeListColumn



The ITreeListColumn interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the column of the TreeList and TreeCombo components.


  Property name Brief description
The Alignment property determines an alignment method for column header text and column elements text.
The AutoSize property determines whether the width of the column is changed automatically depending on the component width.
The Caption property determines column header text.
The ImageIndex property determines an image index.
The Index property determines index of the current column.
The MaxWidth property determines the maximum width of the column.
The MinWidth property determines the minimum width of the column.
Position The Position property determines a column position.
The SortAscending property determines a direction of sorting.
The Visible property determines whether a column is visible during form execution.
The Width property determines the width of the column in pixels.


  Method name Brief description
The Delete method deletes the current column.

See also:

Forms Assembly Interfaces