Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > ITableFilterLimitCondition > ITableFilterLimitCondition.Count
Count: Integer;
The Count property determines the number of elements for displaying (in accordance with Percentage – in percents \ absolute value).
Executing the example requires a form with the Button1 button, the DataGrid component named DataGrid1 and the UiDataSource component that is a data source for DataGrid.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
filter: ITableFilter;
filterItem: ITableFilterItem;
limit: ITableFilterLimitCondition;
filter := DataGrid1.TableFilter;
filterItem := filter.Item(1);
limit := filterItem.LimitCondition;
limit.Count := 2;
limit.HighestValues := True;
limit.Percentage := False;
filterItem.State := FilterItemState.Limit;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
On clicking the Button1 button the number of elements for displaying is 2.
See also: