Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IRibbonPanel > IRibbonPanel.ImageIndex
ImageIndex: Integer;
ImageIndex: Integer;
The ImageIndex property determines index of the image that is related with the panel.
An image source is set in the Images property for the ribbon.
The image specified in this property is displayed in the following cases:
A shortcut for the panel was created on the quick access toolbar.
A panel is displayed as collapsed. Panels are displayed as collapsed if the form sizes do not allow for displaying all controls formed for the Ribbon component. The button, for which the image with the ImageIndex index is used, must be displayed in the middle of each panel.
Clicking the shortcut or button in the middle of the panel displays all controls of the panel. The source of images for this property is set in the Images property of the component Ribbon:
The example of use is given in description of the IRibbonPanels.Add method.
See also: