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Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IRibbonButton > IRibbonButton.SplitButton


Fore Syntax

SplitButton: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

SplitButton: Boolean;


The SplitButton property determines whether the button is divided if there are subelements.


If the collection of subelements which should be used to create the drop-down menu, is set in the SubItems property for the button, the ▼ sign is displayed near the text on the right. If the SplitButton property is set to True, the button is divided into two parts. Clicking the button generates the OnChange event. If the user points at the ▼ sign, the menu expands. If the SplitButton property is set to False, the button is not divided into parts. Clicking the button expands the menu. The OnChange event for the button is not generated.

The SplitButton property is set to True by default.


The example of use is given in description of the Action property.

See also:
