Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IFormControl > IFormControl.SaveState
SaveState(SectionName: String);
SectionName. Name of the registry section, in which the parameters of the toolbars, popup panels and form main menu should be loaded. The name should consist of one or more words and contains characters that are allowed to use in the Windows registry.
The SaveState method saves parameters of the form controls in the registry.
The SectionName section is searched for in the following registry branch: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\<version of Foresight. Analytics Platform>\Studio.INI\<repository name>\]. If the section is not present in this branch, it will be created.
The following data is saved in the registry:
The number of toolbars and popup panels.
The location and sizes of toolbars, popup panels and form main menu.
Whether the toolbars and popup panels are visible.
NOTE. The Id unique identifier is taken into account when the position of the toolbars and popup panels is saved. When the panels are created dynamically, -1 value is set for this identifier by default. This fact should be taken into account on creating custom forms. If the unique identifier is not changed and is -1 when any toolbar or popup panel is saved, the exception is thrown.
See also:
IFormControl | IFormControl.LoadState | IControlBar.Id | IToolbar.Id