Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IFormControl > IFormControl.BeginOperation
Value: String;
[Layout: OperationTextLayout = 1;]
[External: Boolean = False]);
BeginOperation(Value: String);
BeginOperation(Value: String; Layout: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Forms.OperationTextLayout);
Value: String;
Layout: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Forms.OperationTextLayout;
External: Boolean);
Value - text that should be displayed in the status bar.
Layout - optional parameter that determines the location of the process timer relative to the text.
External - parameter that determines the location of the status bar. False is passed by default, the status bar is displayed at the bottom of the form. If True is passed, the status bar is displayed outside the form and it is bound to the bottom edge of the form.
NOTE. If the form is maximized on the full screen, the status bar is displayed at the bottom of the form. The value of the External parameter is ignored.
The BeginOperation method activates the status bar, which displays the text of the Value parameter, timer and animated process indicator. The status bar is active till execution of the EndOperation method.
NOTE. Due to constraints on forms initialization, this method is not available, if the following combination of values is set for the form: BorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; and ShowOnTaskbar = False.
See also: