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Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IFontDialogOptions



The IFontDialogOptions interface is used to set up display parameters of development environment component - FontDialog.


  Property name Brief description
AnsiOnly The AnsiOnly property determines whether only fonts that use the Windows character set are displayed.
ApplyButton The ApplyButton property determines whether the Apply button is displayed in the dialog box.
FixedPitchOnly The FixedPitchOnly property determines whether only fixed-width fonts are displayed.
ForceFontExist The ForceFontExist property determines whether it is possible to select font only from the list of the dialog box.
LimitSize The LimitSize property determines whether the available sizes of font are limited when the dialog box opens.
NoFaceSel The NoFaceSel property determines whether the current font of the component is selected in the list of fonts of the dialog box.
NoOEMFonts The NoOEMFonts property determines whether the OEM fonts are displayed.
NoSizeSel The NoSizeSel property determines whether the size of current font is selected in the list of sizes of the dialog box.
NoStyleSel The NoStyleSel property determines whether the current font face style is selected in the list of font face styles of the dialog box.
NoVectorFonts The NoVectorFonts property determines whether vector fonts are displayed in the list of fonts of the dialog box.
ScalableOnly The ScalableOnly property determines whether scalable fonts are displayed in the list of fonts of the dialog box.
ShowEffects The ShowEffects property determines whether elements allowing setting up color, position, text strikethrough and underlining parameters are displayed.
TrueTypeOnly The TrueTypeOnly property determines whether the TrueType fonts are displayed.

See also:

Forms Assembly Interfaces