Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IControl > IControl.OnBeginDrag
Sub OnBeginDrag(Sender: Object; Args: IBeginDragEventArgs);
//set of operators;
End Sub OnBeginDrag;
Sender. Parameter that returns the component that has generated the event.
Args. Parameter that enables the user to determine event parameters.
The OnBeginDrag event occurs for a component when the user starts to drag an object from the component.
The procedure of dragging must be initialized in the handler of this event for the component that is passed in the Sender parameter. The DoDragDrop method is used for initialization.
Sub OnBeginDrag(Sender: Object; Args: IBeginDragEventArgs);
Self.DoDragDrop(Sender, DragDropEffects.Move);
End Sub OnBeginDrag;
The procedure of dragging is initialized, when the event of the component for which it was generated, is executed.
See also: