Forms > Forms Assembly Enumerations > FlashAlignMode
The FlashAlignMode enumeration contains alignment modes of the Flash object inside the component when the component is resized.
The following properties and methods use this type:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Undefined. Default alignment mode. By default the Flash object is aligned top and left. |
1 | Left. Align left. |
2 | Right. Align right. |
3 | LeftRight. Align left and right. |
4 | Top. Align top. |
5 | LeftTop. Align left and top. |
6 | TopRight. Align right and top. |
7 | LeftTopRight. Align left, right and top. |
8 | Bottom. Align bottom. |
9 | LeftBottom. Align left and bottom. |
10 | RightBottom. Align right and bottom. |
11 | LeftRightBottom. Align left, right and bottom. |
12 | TopBottom. Align top and bottom. |
13 | LeftTopBottom. Align left, top and bottom. |
14 | TopRightBottom. Align right, top and bottom. |
15 | LeftTopRightBottom. Align left, top, right, bottom. |
See also: