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Forms > Forms Assembly Enumerations > FlashAlignMode



The FlashAlignMode enumeration contains alignment modes of the Flash object inside the component when the component is resized.

The following properties and methods use this type:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Undefined. Default alignment mode. By default the Flash object is aligned top and left.
1 Left. Align left.
2 Right. Align right.
3 LeftRight. Align left and right.
4 Top. Align top.
5 LeftTop. Align left and top.
6 TopRight. Align right and top.
7 LeftTopRight. Align left, right and top.
8 Bottom. Align bottom.
9 LeftBottom. Align left and bottom.
10 RightBottom. Align right and bottom.
11 LeftRightBottom. Align left, right and bottom.
12 TopBottom. Align top and bottom.
13 LeftTopBottom. Align left, top and bottom.
14 TopRightBottom. Align right, top and bottom.
15 LeftTopRightBottom. Align left, top, right, bottom.

See also:

Forms Assembly Enumerations