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Forms > Forms Assembly Classes > ToolbarComboBox



The ToolbarComboBox class implements the combobox that can be placed on the ToolBar toolbar.

Properties inherited from IToolbarComboBox

  Property name Brief description
The BeginGroup property enables the user to separate the groups of components on the toolbar visually by a vertical line.
The DropDownCount property determines the maximum number of elements displayed simultaneously in the opened list of the component.
The DroppedDown property returns whether the combobox is expanded.
The Enabled property determines whether a component is available for the user.
The Hint property determines a text of the tooltip that is displayed when the mouse cursor hovers over the combobox in the toolbar during form execution.
The ItemCount property returns the number of elements in the combobox.
The ItemHeight property returns the height of elements in the combobox.
The ItemIndex property determines index of the element in the list that is selected and displayed in the edit line of the list.
The Items property determines a collection of elements of the combobox.
The MaxLength property determines the maximum length of the text that is entered by the user.
The SelLength property determines the number of selected characters in the line of the combobox.
The SelStart property determines a position of the first selected character in the text of the combobox.
The SelText property determines the text selected in the component.
The Sorted property determines whether the elements of the combobox is sorted automatically in alphabetical order.
The Style property determines a style of combobox work.
The Text property determines the line that is displayed in the edit box before the element is selected in the drop-down list.
The Toolbar property returns the ToolBar parent component.
The Visible property determines whether the combobox is visible during form execution.
The Width property determines width of the component in pixels.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
ComponentCount The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
Components The Components property returns the child component, which index is passed by the input parameter.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Name The Name property determines a component name.
Tag The compiler does not use the Tag property. The user can change the value of the Tag property and use it as he wishes.

Methods inherited from IToolbarComboBox

  Method name Brief description
The ClearEdit method clears the edit line of the combobox.
The SelectAll method selects text in the edit line.


  Event name Brief description
OnChange The OnChange event occurs when the text is changed in the edit line as a result of direct text editing or selection from the list.
OnDropDown The OnDropDown event occurs at the moment when the combobox is expanded.
OnEnter The OnEnter event occurs when a component gets focused.
OnExit The OnExit event occurs when a component loses focus.
OnItemSelect The OnItemSelect event occurs when the element is selected from the list.
OnKeyPress The OnKeyPress event occurs if the component is focused when the user presses a character key.

See also:

Forms Assembly Classes