Forms > Forms Assembly Classes > HelpEventArgs > HelpEventArgs.Create
Create(ContextId: Variant; Handled: Boolean);
ContextId - identifier of the help section set for the component.
Handled - indicates whether the control is passed to the help system.
The IHelpEventArgs constructor creates an argument of the event that occurs when pressing the component, if the mode of help displaying is active or on pressing the F1 button for the active component.
Executing the example requires a form and a button named Button1 on it. Processing of the OnHelp event is set for the form.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Argument: IHelpEventArgs;
Argument := New HelpEventArgs.Create(100, True);
Self.OnHelp(Self, Argument)
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example the events of help receive for the component that has 100 identifier of the help section is generated.
See also: