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Forms > Forms Assembly Classes > FileSaveDialog



The FileSaveDialog class implements the FileSaveDialog development environment component that is a standard dialog box of file saving.


It is used only in the desktop application.

Properties inherited from IFileSaveDialog

  Property name Brief description
The CreatePrompt property determines whether additional warning dialog box is displayed on saving to non-existing file.
The OverwritePrompt property determines whether additional warning dialog box is displayed on saving to the existing file.

Properties inherited from IFileDialog

  Property name Brief description
CheckFileExists The CheckFileExists property determines the system reaction if the user selects a non-existing file.
CheckPathExists The CheckPathExists property determines the system reaction if the user selects a file in the non-existing catalog.
DefaultExt The DefaultExt property determines the file extension that is used by this component of the dialog box by default.
DereferenceLinks The DereferenceLinks property determines a value that the dialog box returns when the shortcut is selected.
FileName The FileName property determines a name and path to the directory of the last selected file.
FileNames The FileNames property returns the collection of names and paths to the files if more than one file is selected.
Filter The Filter property determines filter text to limit list of available files.
FilterIndex The FilterIndex property determines which of the added filters are set by default when the dialog box opens.
InitialDirectory The InitialDirectory property determines the directory that is opened by default during dialog box opening.
ShowHelp The ShowHelp property determines whether the Help button is displayed in the dialog box.
Title The Title property determines a title of the dialog box.
ValidateNames The ValidateNames property determines whether the correctness of the file name is checked.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
ComponentCount The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
Components The Components property returns the child component, which index is passed by the input parameter.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Name The Name property determines a component name.
Tag The compiler does not use the Tag property. The user can change the value of the Tag property and use it as he wishes.

Properties inherited from IFileDialog

  Method name Brief description
Execute The Execute method initializes the dialog box and returns the user selection result.

See also:

Forms Assembly Classes