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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxTitle > IGxTitle.IsTagIncluded


Fore Syntax

IsTagIncluded(Tag: String): Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

IsTagIncluded[Tag: String]: Boolean;


Tag. Substitution, which presence must be determined.


The IsTagIncluded property determines whether the selected substitution is in the title.


The property value is obtained: if the specified substitution is in the text, the property returns True, otherwise it returns False.

The property value is set: if the property is set to True, the specified substitution is added to end of the title (if the substitution is already present, it remains on the same position). If the property is set to False, the specified substitution is excluded from the title.

The list of available substitutions specified in the Tag parameter can be found in description of the Text property.

See also:
